Saturday, October 07, 2006

further tinkering

I've now messed about with this site a bit more. I've gone through all the old posts and added labels to them to make things a bit easier to find.

As I was doing that it became apparent that I've put a lot of stuff up here over the past 18 months. A lot of it is rubbish but I do like some of it. I enjoy playing with the site anyway.

I've slept most of today. Work has been quiet this week but I'm on-call a lot over the next two weeks so it's not always gonna be such as skive. At the moment I'm working on a dialysis unit which is a very different pace of life. Interesting, but I wouldn't want to do it forever.

Just been watching some episodes of a American TV series from a few years ago called the Tick. It seems cool. Might write more about it later.

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