Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher

Over the past few months I've worked my way through The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher and it's been pleasant.  Over the past 20 years Butcher has created a well rounded Dresden-verse focusing on the life and times of Harry Dresden, professional wizard and private investigator based in Chicago.  The books have spawned a short lived TV series, lots of comics and a few role playing games.  A great franchise.

The books seem to work a bit like a role playing game with Dresden developing from book to book, levelling up and encountering new challenges that push him further and further.  In later books there is some focus on the various attempts that are made to corrupt Dresden by supernatural entities.

In difficult times Harry Dresden is a great distraction.  There are two more books being published later this year and I'm looking forward to reading them.

I had initially intended to be more enthusiastic in this post as I genuinely loved the books - just read them.

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