Saturday, February 19, 2011

Shitty things about being a doctor

So after working in clinical research for a couple of years I'm back as a full time clinical doctor. I love my job and I love my speciality but there are bad bits in this job. This week I have told one man that he is going to die soon and I have been present as another man was told that he was dying. Both of them were nice blokes. Sadly, another one of our patients died of an aggressive illness that we were unable to control.

But that's my job and I have to be there for my patients. I have to give them bad news in a clear and understandable manner and I have to give them whatever information they need. It's important not to be openly upset when you give bad news to someone because you don't want the patient to feel sorry for you. You are there to help the patient and that's it.

Doctors are human and this stuff can get to you. There are a lot of good aspects of the job that balance this out but it still sometimes hits me like a kick in the nuts.

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