The reality of the pandemic is clearly hard for some to accept. It was always one of those existential fears that I had, having read lots of science fiction and studied biology and then medicine at university. I'd read a lot about pandemics in the past. I knew they were bad and that we were due one. I knew it would probably happen. It's just a bit of a shitter that it actually happened.
COVID has happened. It's almost everywhere and it kills tons of people. Accept it and deal with it.
Some people can't or won't accept it. Some reach for a comfortable conspiracy theory to protect them from the brutal truth that humanity is sometimes insignificant in the face of nature and a wee virus could wipe us all out. COVID-19 isn't going to eliminate the human race but it's still nasty. We need to do what we can to reduce and avoid infections. Vaccines, washing our hands, social distancing, wearing masks - all small personal sacrifices to reduce infection rates and reduce deaths. Some people can't so this. Idiots like Ian Brown of the Stone Roses and various quack doctors post mad shit on the internet and people believe them and that has consequences.
The UK government haven't helped. Initial standard Eton arrogance quickly followed by bewildered blind panic bolstered by exceptionalism from Dominic Cummings and standard avarice has muddied the water creating a fertile breeding ground for the conspiracy theory nutters. We need a government of adults and the UK does not have this.
We will be living with COVID forever. We will probably need yearly COVID vaccines for some time and normality will take some time to return.
The big lesson is don't eat random wild animals.
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