Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Soylent Green - DVD review

I first saw Soylent Green on BBC2 a long long time ago.  It was shown as part of a series of cult movies.  I can't remember who presented the series but I greatly enjoyed the film.  It's frequently referenced in popular culture (the Simpsons) and while it looks a bit dated it's still good fun.

Soylent Green is based in the dystopian future of New York in 2022 (not long now).  The world is vastly overpopulated and running out of food.  People survive on protein pills made from SOYa and LENTils.  The protein pills come in different colours (red, blue, green).  Charlton Heston stars as a police detective investigating the death of an executive who works for the Soylent company.

The dystopia is well realised.  People litter the streets, living in stairwells.  Strawberries cost 150 dollars for a jar. The main character has never seen beef.  Rich men live with concubines called 'furniture'.  The film immerses you in this world.

Heston investigates the murder and finds out some shocking secrets.  The film is crying out for a remake but I don't know if it would works as well.  Worth tracking down.

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