Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Alteration by Kingsley Amis

The Alteration is an alternative reality novel set in a world very different from our own. The story opens in 1976 in an England that is ruled by the catholic church. In this reality the Reformation never happened and the world has not developed scientificallly.

Hubert, a 10 year old boy with an excellent singing voice, is the central character. Agents of the church wish to castrate him so that his voice will not change and he will become a brilliant singer. Hubert tries to escape.

Kingsley Amis is regarded as a great author but this is the first of his books that I have read. The alternative reality of 'The Alteration' is well thought out and the plot is interesting. This book would make a great film. Worth a read. It reminded me of 'the man in high castle' by Philip K. Dick'.

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