Sunday, March 10, 2013

My Bloody Valentine live at the Glasgow Barrowlands again

2013 has so far been a year of things I never thought would happen.  I submitted my thesis, I've bought Giant Size X-Men number 1 and My Bloody Valentine finally put out a new album.  To celebrate/promote the new record they came back to the Barrowlands and played some new tracks.

MBV are a visceral live band.  I last saw them about 5 years ago and I wrote about that here .  I think they were quieter now than they were back then.  The crowd were older but still essentially the same demographic.  Just older and balder (like me).

The light show was amazing.  Computer graphics and close-up pictures of eyes.  The backline for the band was massive but I didn't really need my earplugs until Feed Me With Your Kiss.  The new material seemed to fit in seamlessly.  You Made Me Realise still feels like standing too close to a large bonfire.  The noise cord lasted for 10 minutes this time, 

As an added bonus my hearing is intact.  Makes a change,

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