Sunday, December 11, 2005

Christmas time

Christmas time.

At work. Pretending to like people you vaguely know. Getting drunk and making an arse of yourself. Talking about work because that's all you have in common.

That's the horror of the work night out.

Mine wasn't too bad this year actually. I didn't have anything to drink. I say things I shouldn't even when I'm sober (H, one of my closest friends, reads this and thinks I'm autistic. I think I have frontal lobe damage). I still enjoyed the night with alcohol and it's always fun watching other people making arses of themselves.

There are a few people in my department who seem pretty cool. Work related chat was kept to a minimum although there was an embarrassing discussion about the sexualtiy of a senior depatmental member who is 'a bit camp'. Who really cares? Anyway I made my excuses and left before the workplace incest kicked off bigstyle.

Earlier on, one of my bosses had compared my junior colleague to 'Jessica Rabbit' (from Who framed Roger Rabbit?). I now know that it is possible to laugh and cringe at the same time. I try to look at everyone I work with as androgenous drones. It makes life better for everyone.

Anyway, we just put up a fucking massive tree in the flat. I've bought most of my presents from the internet and I've even written a few cards. I'm almost a grown-up.

I have to work late on x-mas eve but I have a lot of time off over the holiday season. More time to study.

Anyhow, enough yuletide joy

Exit, Stage left (like a cartoon cat - Snagletooth????)


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