Sunday, December 02, 2007

The end of the Sopranos

I've just finished watching the last few episodes of the Sopranos. I'm a bit sad that it's over. I don't want to spoil the end for anyone but it does go against expectations. The last few episodes perhaps aren't the best of the series but they are still good. As a body of work the six seasons of the Sopranos are close to perfect.

I know the show is not to everyones taste. Many people would not like the violence, or the swearing ot the drug abuse. I guess that many people would feel that these things are glamorised by TV. I hope that the Sopranos attracts intelligent viewers who realise that Tony Soprano is a bad man and not someone you should aspire to be. There will be stupid people out there who would want to model their lives on the fictional New Jersey Mafia but most people will just enjoy the inticate plots and the well-rounded characters that made this show so good.

I would love to see more but I guess that is unlikely to happen.

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