Saturday, December 22, 2007

Escaping d&v for christmas

I'm happy today cos I've finished my last shift for 7 days without catching the winter vomiting bug that is doing the rounds at work. Most (if not all) of my colleagues have been off with vomiting and diarrhoea and I've been scared that I would end up spewing my load during the festive season. I've been washing my hands about once every 30 seconds which is possibly pathological and generally acting as if everyone I meet has SARS.

I've survived and I'm home for christmas.

I do have to go back to work to start nights next Friday but by then the virus might have left the wards. A week of nights at New Year is a bit of a bastard but at least I don't need to worry about finding a good party. I expect to see a lot of overdoses and alcohol withdrawal which is never cheery. Overall though I prefer to have christmas off.

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