Thursday, June 09, 2011

The Social Network - DVD review

I use Facebook a lot. Probably because I live in a cupboard in a hospital 80 miles from home for a significant amount of time just now. It's good for keeping in touch with people and I have a broadband dongle for my computer and no TV access so it helps stave off the boredom. I use blogger and twitter for similar reasons.

I started using Facebook in 2006 which was probably late in the game. I had already been on this blog for a couple of years at that time. It's strange sometimes to think of the technological and communication developments that have taken place over the last 10 years. I only got a mobile phone in September 2000 when I started medical school at the age of 23. Facebook has had a big impact on my life and on the lives of many people of my generation.

The Social Network is a great film telling the story of how Mark Zuckerberg and a few others created Facebook and made it a success. I didn't really fancy this film before I watched it. It was another supermarket purchase designed to keep me from boredom while I'm stuck in my shitty on-call room. The film was directed by David Fincher, one of my favourite directors, with a script by Aaron Sorkin. It has a soundtrack by Trent Reznor with tracks from the Dead Kennedys, Fucked Up and The Cramps. It held my attention well.

The film may or may not tell the true story of Zuckerberg and Facebook but it is entertaining. I'm guessing that it tells a legally acceptable version of events. It's entertaining and worth watching when you want to see a wordy film.

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