Tuesday, March 28, 2006

the smoking ban and the nanny state

I don't smoke. I really don't like it. My granny died of lung cancer when I was 10. I have my reasons. Generally, it fucking mings.

Over the weekend their has been a massive cultural shift in Scotland. It can be seen in the difference between the two gigs that I went to on friday and monday. On friday I went to see max romeo and I nearly choked to death on the second hand smoke from all the roll-up kings (who seemed to be trying to go to a bang). The next day my clothes smelled really bad. On monday I went to see the evens in a smoke free environment and it was pleasant. I didn't smell like a tramp when I got home.

I had a similar experience in the big blue on great western road tonight. Smoke free and pleasant. Going out is much better now.

I was walking around the city centre the other evening and all the smokers were standing outside the pubs in the rain. It was a sad sight. Cold, wet people slowly killing themselves in the rain. Not all pubs are following the letter of the law. People in the western could be seen smoking a fag tonight.

So, should the state be telling people what to do? Should smoking be illegal? Should people have the right to kill themselves with their lifestyle choices?

I don't know. I've had two pints and my ethical reasoning has gone out the window. I guess what I'm thinking about is the dichotomy between individual freedom and the nanny state. Both of which are good left-wing principles.

Fuck knows


1 comment:

Dr Deep, MBChB said...

i remember when i was at my last job at the 'grave, before changeover of the reg's. before, the doctors room was filled with choking smoke and smell--we all stank, and it was only 8am. post changeover, a smoking ban came into force, by my new reg, things were so much better and more ppl entered the dr's room.

though i agree with the ban, i think smokers should have a choice, though maybe if they had their own cupboard to smoke in, then they won't have to get drenched!